Are you ready to level up your marketing material?

Tired of posting mediocre images taken on a smart phone?

Professional Photography is the answer

Professional level cameras and lenses are expensive and require time, skill and knowledge to be used effectively.

It is far more time and cost effective to hire a professional, than to buy, learn and produce this media in house as a small business.

Visual Media is the foundation that marketing is built upon

Are you ready to lay those foundations?

Who am I?

I am Luke Stockdale. A professional photographer and videographer based in Northallerton, North Yorkshire.

I have always enjoyed having a camera in my hand, and in the last few years the enjoyment turned to enthusiasm, and the enthusiasm to an idea.

The idea? Why not do this full time, and provide a high quality and bespoke service,

Why did I create ApertureAdhdiction?

I created ApertureAdhdiction in late 2023 with the mission of taking my photography to the next level, in this process I realised I could also help others take their media and marketing to the next level.

Many business are lacking in marketing, sitting on an untapped customer base living right on their doorstep. My mission is to kickstart small, local businesses into the socal media age by producing a solid foundation, the content.

Images and Video are the foundation which you build your marketing on. If the foundations are weak…well, you know what happens then.

How did I come up with the brand name ApertureAdhdiciton?

Lets break it down….

Aperture: A photopraphy term - “Aperture in photography is the section of the camera that can be adjusted to let in more or less light”

ADHD: A condition I was diagnosed with at the age of 6. ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention.

Addiction: There’s 2 part to this one. ADHDer’s often have a hyperfocus, an interest in which they are so focused it can often seem like an obsession or addiction.

Secondly, The lifetime occurrence of substance use problems among adults in the general population is approximately 25 percent. They may be addicted to alcohol, recreational drugs, or prescription medications. In comparison, 50 percent of adults with ADHD have a history of dealing with substance use at some point in their lives.

This is thankfully something I have never suffered from, but I know people who have.

The name comes from a place very close to my heart, and as I grow, I am to help increase awareness of ADHD and its co-morbidities, while reducing the stigma associated with adults who have the contition.